We are excited that you are allowing us to help you with your insurance needs! If you have the following information on hand it help us determine the right plan for you:
- List of current medication(s)
- List of doctor(s)
- Bring your Medicare card
- Medicare user name and password
- Social Security user name and password
If you don't yet have these accounts please go to ssa.gov (if your first time signing up for Part A and B) and/or medicare.gov to create your account(s). This information will be accessed to help your advisor pick out the best plan for you. If you are not able to get your login information please let us know so we can extend your appointment time.
Please email this information back to us as soon as possible. Our email address is info@mcmmedicare.com.
We look forward to seeing you and appreciate you being our client! Thank you for allowing us to help you Navigate through Medicare!